YOU ARE NOT ALONE, our PSA campaign was created to raise awareness to let victims know that this is the first step to their journey of healing is to "Tell and Stop the Abuse". Creating this campaign is a way for YSF to speak directly to victims and let them know on their path to becoming a "Survivor", that we are on this journey with them and remember "YOU ARE NOT ALONE".
If your friend and/or family member aren’t ready to talk to someone, you can get support for yourself by calling (1-800-656-HOPE) and find out ways to help that person to begin their journey of healing.
It takes a lot of courage, strength and time to heal. No matter what the circumstances of the injustice, we at Young Survivors Foundation (Y.S.F.) are committed to help you on this journey from becoming a Victim to a Survivor.
You can find more information on the following topics related to sexual assault and rape: www.rainn.org